Basic Offcanvas

Live demo

Content for the offcanvas goes here. You can place just about any Bootstrap component or custom elements here.
Link with href

Main Title

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.


Offcanvas top
Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Offcanvas right

Main Title

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Offcanvas bottom
Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.


Colored with scrolling

Main Title

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Offcanvas with backdrop

Main Title

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Backdroped with scrolling

Main Title

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Some Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Theme Customizer
Primary color settings

Layout settings

Right To Left